Friday, March 23, 2018

An Omni God And His Eternal Hell (2)

by Kenneth W. Hawthorne
The Bible presents its god, Yahweh, as having amazing supernatural characteristics:

1) Omniscient- It is claimed that this god knows all, past, present and future. One very interesting bit of knowledge that this god is claimed to have is found in Mt 7:13-14. This verse teaches that man's ultimate destination is either heaven or hell. And that this god knew before creating the first human, that if he went ahead with this plan to create man found in the Bible, that this version of man would be so flawed that most would wind up in hell.

2) Omnibenevolent- "All-loving, or infinitely good, usually in reference to a deity or supernatural being, for example, 'God'. Its use is often with regards to the divine triad, whereby a deity is described to be simultaneously omniscient, omnipotent and omnibenevolent. This triad is used especially with the Christian god, Yahweh." ( And in conjunction with this alleged omni characteristic it is claimed in 2 Peter 3:9, that he doesn't want anyone to perish, i.e., wind up in his eternal hell.

3) Omnipotent-Jeremiah 32:17. It is claimed that this god is all powerful. That he has the ability to do anything that is logically possible.

4) Perfect and complete, having no needs. A. W. Tozer in *The Knowledge of the Holy* expresses this very well, "To admit the existence of a need in God is to admit incompleteness in the divine Being.  Need is a creature-word and cannot be spoken of the Creator.  God has a voluntary relation to everything He has made, but He has no necessary relation to anything outside of Himself.  His interest in His creatures arises from His sovereign good pleasure, not from any need those creatures can supply nor from any completeness they can bring to Him who is complete in Himself." 

5) Sovereign-Jeremiah 32:17. This means that he has all authority. That there is no one above him who can overrule him on anything.

So, what do we have here concerning what the Bible teaches about its god, man and this god's eternal hell?
1. He knew that if he went with the plan revealed in the Bible most of humanity would wind up in his eternal hell.
2. He didn't want this to happen.
3. There was no reason it had to happen.
4. He could have prevented it from happening. He could have created man like the three in the godhead, having free will with the impossibility of sinning. I can hear Christian apologists now saying God didn't want robots! But creating man with the inability to sin would be creating man with a characteristic that this Bible god allegedly has, and a Christian can't believe that is bad. Especially if it means his will of no one going to hell is accomplished.
5. He could not be overruled in his decision to create man with the inability to sin.

Simply, with these omni characteristics he not only could have, but would have prevented anyone from winding up in an eternal hell. But he didn't, allowing billions upon billions of humans to be sent there. Thus, the Bible teaches that Yahweh acted completely contrary to his alleged omni characteristics, and is the biggest, most disgusting contradiction in the Bible. The men who wrote the Bible (actually, the New Testament, because the concept of an eternal hell is not found in the Old Testament, except possibly late, in the book of Daniel), and men only, no god was inspiring them, got a little carried away in their effort to scare sheep into the fold. 

And the tear-jerking claim that this god loved humans so much that he sent his son to die for man, knowing this mission would be a complete failure, saving a comparative handful--when he could have created man where none would perish is absolutely sickening!

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