Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Kookoo The Tree God

Farrell Till shares a letter to the editor he sent to his local newspaper--From the II Errancy Discussion list, Sept., 2003:

Here is a letter that I sent to my local newspaper in response to a woman's letter about how prayer had saved her son from death in a car wreck.
In a recent letter to the editor, Mahala Lafferty offered a personal experience she had recently had as evidence that her god answers prayers. After relating a close call her son had had while hauling a tractor on I-474, she concluded that a prayer she had said had saved him from dying 

in a horrible accident. She asked if anyone could now question that her god answers 

I regret to say that I do have to question that her prayers had anything to do with her son's narrow escape, because she gave no indication that she had prayed to Kookoo the tree god, who lives in a small grove of trees behind my house. If her prayers were not directed to Kookoo, then she did not pray to the one and only true god, so there is no way that her prayers could have been heard. Kookoo will hear only the prayers of those who believe in him.

I have kept Kookoo's existence a secret for a long time, but Mrs. Lafferty's letter has finally given me the courage to speak out and reveal him to the world. I, of course, have known of Kookoo's existence for a long time. I have had a personal experience with Kookoo and have accepted him as my personal god, and nobody can convince me that I have not experienced what I know that I did experience.

Many times I have prayed to Kookoo, and he has heard my prayers and answered them. I often talk to Kookoo, and he talks to me. How can I deny that I have walked and talked with Kookoo when I know that I have?

Whenever I go on a trip, I ask for Kookoo's protection, and he has always answered my prayers. Even though I have made several airline trips, some of them international flights, none of the airplanes I have flown on ever crashed. In view of such evidence as this, who can deny that Kookoo has not watched over me and answered my prayers?

On a motor trip once, a front tire blew out on my car when I was traveling 70 miles per hour. (Yes, I was fudging a little bit on the speed limit.) The moment I realized what had happened, I uttered a quick prayer to Kookoo, and soon I had the car under control and was able to bring it to a safe stop on the shoulder. I shudder to think of what would have happened to me if Kookoo had not heard my prayer.

To be honest, I must admit that Kookoo has not always given me the things I have prayed for, but I understand why. It wasn't that Kookoo didn't hear and answer my prayers; it was simply that Kookoo's answer was no on those occasions. His ways are higher than my ways, so he understands what is best for me. I always respect the wisdom of his decisions even when I don't get the things I pray for. I know that someday I will understand why Kookoo has often had to tell me no when I prayed.

The good news for everyone is that Kookoo lives and abides everywhere that trees grow. If you have a tree in your yard, you can be assured that Kookoo is there. If you will believe in Kookoo and pray to him in your time of need, you too can know the great joy of a personal experience with Kookoo. I urge everyone to pray to Kookoo in his/her hour of need. There is no joy comparable to the joy of knowing Kookoo the tree god as your personal god.

This paper has always been willing to publish my letters, but I guess this one was a bit too strong for the editor's taste. It was never published.

Farrell Till

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